Yes, You Can Get A Bulk-Billed Eye Test At The Optical Shop Campbelltown!

Simply bring in your valid and up-to-date Medicare card or number and our friendly team will process your payment. If you happen to forget your Medicare card, our team can locate your number in store during your appointment.

Some other Optometry practices require a full or partial payment for an eye examination particularly if you get an examination within a certain time frame. But at The Optical Shop Campbelltown, this does not apply. Your eye examination is covered at all times. Bookings are essential so book your bulk-billed eye test now to get a time that works for you.

How to Book Your Bulk Billed Eye Test

​Simply book your Bulk-Billed Eye Test by clicking this link and book online Or call this number please 4626 1468. Fill out the form and one of our friendly team members will be in contact with you to confirm your time and date.

Why Do I Need An Eye Test

Eye tests are important for indicating whether you need to start wearing glasses or need to change your prescription. They are also essential for detecting common medical conditions that if detected early, can be preventable.

We recommend that you book an eye test every year. However, if you notice any difference in your vision, fall into a certain age group, or have started experiencing some of the symptoms we’ve outlined below, it’s best to book an eye test sooner.

1. Age

Anyone can develop problems with their sight, but some groups of people may be at a higher risk. This includes those aged 40 and over who have a family history of glaucoma and those aged 60 or over. If you fall into these categories, it’s worth speaking to us.

2. Seeing Halos

Halos are bright circles that appear around light. In some cases, it may just mean that you are particularly sensitive to light some people see at night. However, in an aging eye there are other causes, which can include cataracts and some corneal conditions, so it’s worth getting this checked out.

3. Eye Strain and Headaches

If you find you are straining your eyes when reading, using a computer or even driving, it may be because your vision needs checking. Getting headaches is also a main sign that needs to be checked. In most cases, this can be easily corrected with a pair of glasses – just book an appointment for an eye test to get the prescription you need.

4. Difficulty Reading

Finding reading hard work? This could be because your vision is deteriorating. Book an eye test with one of our opticians who will be able to recommend whether glasses could help solve this problem.

5. Blurred vision

Blurred vision can be caused by a number of different things. These range from conditions that simply need correcting with glasses or contact lenses, to medical conditions such as glaucoma or diabetes. An eye test will be able to give a clearer understanding of what’s causing this symptom.

6. Dry, red, or itchy eye

Dry or red eyes may be caused by staring at a screen without blinking for long periods of time. Eye drops can help, but if these symptoms continue come and give us a visit at The Optical Shop Campbelltown.

7. Floaters

These are small shapes that some people see floating in their field of vision. They can be different shapes and sizes and range from tiny black dots to cloud like spots. Although they can be caused by aging and are often harmless, it’s important that you book an appointment to get your eyes checked.

8. Poor near and/or distance vision

If you are struggling with poor long and/or short vision then visit our store to have an eye test and get the right glasses prescription.

9. Medical condition

Diabetes and other medical conditions that could affect your eyesight means that you’ll have to have your eyes tested more often.

10. Family history

If you have a family history of diabetes, glaucoma, macular degeneration or high blood pressure then you’ll need to get your eyes checked out more than once every two years. Your optometrist will be able to advise on how many times a year they wish to see you.

​When was the last time you had an eye test?

Book Your Bulk-Billed Eye Test Today!