Eye Exam Reason #1: Dry Eyes
Dry eye symptoms are one of the top reasons people go to the eye doctor. There have been significant advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of dry eye, – get them checked out by your eye doctor.
Eye Exam Reason #2: Digital Eye Strain
In today’s world, just about everything we do involves a screen: Our use of digital devices has changed one of the basic functions of our eyes: how we blink and blinking is essential to the health of your eyes.
Eye Exam Reason #3: Sun Damage
Every day we are exposed to UV sun rays. While sun damage is more closely linked to skin cancer, the threat to your eyes is just as significant. Wearing UV-blocking sunglasses is important. Your annual eye exam screens for the potential risks from sun exposure including macular degeneration and cataracts.
Eye Exam Reason #4: Allergies
Anyone who suffers from hay fever and other allergies knows how vulnerable the eyes are to the burning, itching, redness, and general irritation. Managing those symptoms is best done with an eye doctor.
Eye Exam Reason #5: Vision Correction
Vision problems, nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, need routine check-ups with your eye doctor. Your doctor needs to see you to make sure everything is functioning normally and that your tear film and eye are healthy.